Thursday, July 23, 2009

Second Week of the School Holidays

1. Kumon Maths. Of course.
2. Work on the Sydney Harbour Bridge booklet - research, share, write up information the New Guard.
3.Social with friends - games, active play, chats, friend over for sleepover, priests for dinner, conversation.
4. Fitness and Wii Fit Resort.
5. Attend/serve at Mass Extraordinary Form - Latin.Attebd Night prayers @ conference.
6. Read about St Bridget of Sweden, St Mary Magdalene and Pope JP2's Motu Proprio re C-Patrons of Europe.
7. Chinese study and Latin revision.
8. Discuss SCENE - attene Catholic Underground, Youth Mass and supper and help out, talk about pub talks.
9. Write reports on recent reading - The Cure of Ars, the Introduction to the Pope's new encyclical.
10. Work education - Salmat and Kumon.
11. Movies with youth group ( The Proposal - thumbs down) and with family and friends ( Harry Potter - thumbs up). Movie discussion and book comparisons.
12. Cooking.
13. Attend lecture on Eclipse of Christianity:Expedition to Pontus and discuss style, history, archeology.
14. Lunch at Pancakes on the Rocks @ the Rocks with other homeschoolers - wander through history of the Rocks area.
15. Read Harry Potter and Jane Austen.

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