I woke early, to organise the many things of my day. I hope I role model to the kids how to push oneself, how to do many things, time and self management, working together....
Kids did morning chores, played computer games, checked email and we talked about the framework of the day.
While Alexander and I were out on parish business, Anthony made patty cakes for today's feast. Thomas whipped rose coloured cream and made the cakes into angel wing cakes. Jonathon did some typing for me and some uni and artwork and business stuff ( graphic design).
They did some Kumon maths and some Latin ~ Learning Latin Through Greek Mythology.
Helped with proof reading of the parish newsletter, offering suggestions re colours and formats. Discussed parish and Kellyville history.
Trampolining. Daily fitness.
Piano and guitar practice.
Work ed at Kumon.
Silent reading.
Cooked dinner while I was out a meeting and watched the Marx Bros
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