The Long Weekend for Labour Day.
Many things but here are some, some of those of note educationally ~
Nature walk/fitness walk Cumberland Forest, with interstate visitor
Students understand and
appreciate the physical,
biological and technological
world and have the knowledge
and skills to make decisions in
relation to it.
Students value and
implement practices that
promote personal growth and
well being.
Part time work at McDonalds for Thomas, junk mail delivery for all, serve at Mass
Students recognise
that everyone has the right
to feel valued and be safe,
and, in this regard,
understand their rights and
obligations and behave
Students are selfmotivated
and confident in
their approach to learning and
are able to work individually
and collaboratively
Reading, movies, discussion
Students engage
with the artistic, cultural and
intellectual work of others.
Students use language
to understand, develop and
communicate ideas and
information and interact
with others.
Read about St Francis and Our Lady of the Rosary and Labour Day
Students recognise when
and what information is
needed, locate and obtain it
from a range of sources and
evaluate, use and share it with others.
Students understand their
cultural, geographic and
historical contexts
Piano and guitar practice
Students participate in
creative activity of their own.
Computer, internet, email, blogs
Students select, use
and adapt technologies.
Students select, use
and adapt technologies.
The outcomes above are from the Curriculum Framework K-12
Many things but here are some, some of those of note educationally ~
Nature walk/fitness walk Cumberland Forest, with interstate visitor
Students understand and
appreciate the physical,
biological and technological
world and have the knowledge
and skills to make decisions in
relation to it.
Students value and
implement practices that
promote personal growth and
well being.
Part time work at McDonalds for Thomas, junk mail delivery for all, serve at Mass
Students recognise
that everyone has the right
to feel valued and be safe,
and, in this regard,
understand their rights and
obligations and behave
Students are selfmotivated
and confident in
their approach to learning and
are able to work individually
and collaboratively
Reading, movies, discussion
Students engage
with the artistic, cultural and
intellectual work of others.
Students use language
to understand, develop and
communicate ideas and
information and interact
with others.
Read about St Francis and Our Lady of the Rosary and Labour Day
Students recognise when
and what information is
needed, locate and obtain it
from a range of sources and
evaluate, use and share it with others.
Students understand their
cultural, geographic and
historical contexts
Piano and guitar practice
Students participate in
creative activity of their own.
Computer, internet, email, blogs
Students select, use
and adapt technologies.
Students select, use
and adapt technologies.
The outcomes above are from the Curriculum Framework K-12
I made it to Mass at the Friars at 5pm - you remember that pamnphlet of prayers to Our Lady that I mailed home? They had a similar booklet today made up of prayers St Francis composed. I picked up an extra for you guys and will put it in the post!
Oh, cool, thanks Greg!
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