Reading about St Elizabeth of Hungary and her connections with the Franciscans seemed serendipitous to us...We live in a Franciscan parish...We prayed for a priest on the anniversary of his ordination today, and for the soul of my grandmother, birthday Nov 17.
Worked on maths - online for uni and Kumon worksheets.
Then tidied up French class folders, reading picture books in French and listening to the accompanying CD. Before grabbing laptops and writing more on novels ( progress- very slow).
Alexander studied Latin and Italian; Jonathn worked on uni and website design; I did Kumon and various other bits and pieces from my To Do list.
Fitness? Daily fitness routines, yoga, trampolining..Playing the piano..Reading...Got out Tales From Shakespeare by the Lambs, talk about Macbeth because yesterday was St Margaret of Scotland and she married Malcom, mentioned in Macbeth...Ate the shortbread from yesterday's Scottish cooking and put Hungarian Goulash in the crockpot for todays' feast day...More reading and discussion, this time on social capital, on the encyclical Rerum Novarem, on the philosophy of education - for work, for voctional education, the liberal arts, for the soul and the mind? What use is higher maths?
Off to Kumon (work education - and head office visiting!). Probably music and movies or TV and more reading and discussion tonight...Prayers, in Latin...
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